Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Paddling At Instow

I do love going to the seaside. There is something which brings back the big kid in me I think whenever I visit, and although I don't go as often as I could considering how close I live to the beaches in my area, I am sure this will change once the boys get bigger and it will become easier for me to take them on my own more frequently.

Last weekend we popped over to Instow late in the afternoon to have a paddle in the warm sea water as it lapped up on to the shore. The tide was coming in so we did not have as far to walk to it as do normally, so it was Jenson's first time I think of having a paddle there. Possibly in the sea ever although he has paddled in rock pools and in the sea puddles left on the beach at Appledore and Crowe Point. To begin with Jenson was a little unsure - Burton and Daddy had already waded out a little way and I stayed close to the shoreline with him trying to persuade him to walk on in. However, after a few minutes of feeling the warm water lap gently over his toes he found the confidence to stride on in a few feet and he LOVED it! 

He got knocked down by the water as is it came on to the sand and I was expecting him to whine that he was "freezing cold now" . However, surprisingly, he did not and actually sat down again in the water and splashed about quite happily and grabbed the wet mushy sand and squeezed it between his fingers. 

I was so proud of the way he took it in his stride as the waves had sent him tumbling down onto his bottom and not let him bother him as I thought it would, as he is the one who normally complains about water being "freezing cold" even when it isn't! It reminded me of a quote I found on pinterest recently which I think is so true and one that I hope will apply to my boys as they find their way through life

(photo is my own)

Wise words, wouldn't you agree?

Linking up with:

Mums Do Travel

The Mad House


  1. Lovely pictures of Jenson in the see, I love how you can see him getting braver! xx

  2. Jo @ Le Baby Bakery24 July 2013 at 22:30

    Ahh, nice to see my home beach (i grew up nera instow) i really hat the scum you always get at the waters edge tho! Apparantly westward ho! has had a lot of jelly fish with this warm weather.

  3. sabrina montagnoli25 July 2013 at 15:13

    Lovely photos enjoying the sea! My wee man loves the water but is not too keen on the seaweed it seems :)

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos and love what you did with the last one. Very wise!! X

  5. Coombe Mill (Fiona)27 July 2013 at 13:39

    I love the smile on Jenson's face - pure enjoyment, and well done to him for gaining confidence to play in the water. The quote is great and so true - very wise words, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  6. Gretta Schifano27 July 2013 at 13:51

    This is a lovely record for Jenson, and great photos! I'dlove you to join in wit the Family Days Linky on mumsdotravel.coml, if you'd like to : )

  7. Lovely photos!! Looks like he had a great time x

  8. Great photos, I could just go and dip my feet in that cool water now. Lovely!

  9. Love the photo's and the sun shining off the sea. Paddling is such fun for children of all ages. Thank you for joining in with my #freerangesummer link

  10. Laura Rocksteady28 July 2013 at 00:50

    Looks like your little ones had loads of fun in the shallows :) such great weather to be spent on the coast. Lovely photos
    Just popped over from Free Range kids

    Laura x

  11. Nichola Fabfortymum29 July 2013 at 21:14

    Beautiful photos Jenny and well done Jenson for braving the sea. Brilliant quote too and very wise words x

  12. Sara (@mumturnedmom)30 July 2013 at 17:39

    Gorgeous photos! I remember taking both my boys to the beach for the first time, and how tentative they were in the sand and then in the water :) Lovely quote too x

  13. That is a gorgeous collection of photos, and I completely see why you love Instow; it's like Barry Island is to me - your happy place.


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