Sunday, 21 July 2013

Cakes, Cakes and More Cake Recipes Perfect For Sharing With Friends This Summer

With the beautiful weather we have been experiencing these last couple of weeks, it has been perfect for picnics and eating outside generally. Lots of opportunities to try out some picnic recipes this summer - as we are actually having one this year!

The week before last it was my turn to cook some cakes for the toddler playgroup that I take Jenson to every Monday morning, and with the weather being so lovely it was decided that we would eat the cakes outside at the local park. I love an excuse to get busy and do some summer baking - it was just a shame that the day I spent in the kitchen creating my cakes, was one of the hottest of the year so far!

Still, bake away I did and I came up with a selection of cakes which I felt would appeal to the mums, dads, grandparents and staff who attend the play group. Inspired by looking through the summer recipes from I made the following cakes.

Makes 16

175g self raising flour
25g cocoa powder
200g unsalted butter
200g caster sugar 
4 eggs
16 cherries, stone removed and chopped
100g Silver Spoon marzipan, chopped into small pieces
8 squares of white chocolate cut in half

Pre heat oven to 180oC / 16o c (fan)
Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and soft
Add the eggs and beat well
Fold in the flour and cocoa powder
Stir in the cherries, marzipan
Divide between the cake cases
Add a chunk of chocolate to each cake and push down
Bake for 20-25 minutes

Makes 9
75g self raising flour
25g cocoa powder
100g unsalted butter
100g caster sugar 
2 eggs
2 kitkat fingers crushed
100g cream cheese
100g chocolate spread
5 kit kat fingers, broken in half

Pre heat oven to 180oC / 16o c (fan)
Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and soft
Add the eggs and beat well
Fold in the flour and cocoa powder
Stir in the crushed kit kats
Divide between the cake cases
Bake for 20-25 minutes

Beat the cream cheese and chocolate spread together
Place into a piping bag and toop each cupcake once they are cooled completely
Top with half a kitkat for decoration

Makes 9
75g self raising flour
25g cocoa powder
100g unsalted butter
100g caster sugar 
2 eggs
100g cream cheese
100g chocolate spread
Silver Spoon Choco Beans

Pre heat oven to 180oC / 16o c (fan)
Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and soft
Add the eggs and beat well
Fold in the flour and cocoa powder
Divide between the cake cases
Bake for 20-25 minutes

Beat the cream cheese and chocolate spread together
Place into a piping bag and top each cupcake once they are cooled completely
Top with the Choco Beans for decoration

200g self raising flour
200g unsalted butter
200g caster sugar 
4 eggs
Strawberry jam
Tub of ready made vanilla buttercream

Pre heat oven to 180oC / 16o c (fan)
Grease and line 2 x 8 inch cake tins
Cream the butter and sugar together until pale and soft
Add the eggs and beat well
Fold in the flour
Divide between the cake tins
Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and cooked right through

Once cool sandwich the two sponges with the buttercream and jam 

Great for eating outdoors (and indoors) and perfcet for sharing with friends outside in the sunshine

I was sent the following products from for the purpose of this post

The recipes used, however, are my own.


  1. The kit Kat cupcakes look amazing as does the Victoria sponge. Mmmm I'm hungry now :)

  2. Yum, yum and more yum! I wish I came to your mother and toddler group! x

  3. OMG what are you trying to do to us all? We will never be thin! These all look gorgeous, great recipes!

  4. a lovely selection of cakes there must be mad baking all that lot in this heat!! x

  5. I am going to make an adapted verson of your Kit Kat cupcakes on Thursday but with Oreos. Will post a picture. I love the cream cheese/chocolate spread icing idea :-)


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