Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Becoming A Yummy Mummy…Well, Almost!

When you have a baby one of the main personal sacrafices you make is your own personal time. Before becoming a Mummy I had as much time as I chose to have to get myself ready each day before I left the housr for work, and it was up to me and my alarm clock what time I decided to get up each day too. However, once I had Burton it was he who dictated my waking up time each morning (and still does along with Jenson) and I found that grabbing just five minutes each morning to get myself showered and dressed was not easy, so I would shower each nigt instead pnce I had put him to bed and then just quickly got dressed in the monring instead. I think it is true to say that my appearance was not my priority and although I would have loved some personal getting ready time it just was not possible with a young baby and then with a baby and a toddler in tow!

However, since the boys have got a bit older I do find that I can now shower in the mornings and have a little longer to get myself ready each day - even if it does mean having one or both of them in the bedroom with me helping *ahem* select what I am going to wear and help me to brush my hair!!!
According to those that know, if you are looking to regain some of your pre-mummy beauty and style, there are a few really easy steps you can take to do so.
Revamp your wardrobe
This does not mean go on a shopping spree because if like me, that is something no mother can really afford to do. However, if you are able to afford to refresh your staple pieces, they will do wonders for your everyday look. Buying a pair of black jeans is both practical (lets face it they will hide any stains like food or other child enduced natural stains lol) and flattering to our figures. New vests are cheap and can be easily accessorised, and a flattering pair of sunglasses can hide all manner of dark circles! Shame they cannot be worn all the time then!
Apparently head scarves are a great accessory investment too and can easily be hunted down from charity shops if need be, or you can find some lovely ones here. Yes I know head scarves I thought this was a little odd too but when worn well a head scarf is a really cheap and easy way to spruce up an outfit, and is especially great if you love the vintage and rockabilly looks!

Take up an exercise regime
*Groans* at the mention of exercise!!! Personally, you’ll never catch me joining the local gym; I cannot afford the joining fee and the thought of getting all hot and sweaty with random people just does not appeal. I would like to sign up to some gym classes though, but again it is the cost if attending them that puts me off and actually finding the time - I would only be able to go evenings once the kids are in bed. However, with my partnr working away this is not a possibilty.

Get a professional haircut
So haircuts cost quite a bit of money, especially if you visit a professional hairdresser. I know that when Burton was firsborn I could not find the time or the money to get my hair cut (and cooured) at the hairdressers. I missed going a lot. Now that my two are odler and Daddy can look after them without needing me for a couple of hours, I do visit my hairdresser because it has to be said if there is one thing which makes me feel betetr about myself is a good haircut. By having a really great cut, you’ll look and feel amazing. Afterall, a really great hairdresser will give you a consultancy about what suits you and help you decide what cut is best for you which can absolutely transform your look. Hair cut by a professional works well as a ‘base cut’, which means a lower cost hair dressers will only have to give you a trim, meaning you only need to splash out occasionally. I have to say that my trip to the hairdressers is my little treat every few months, for some 'me' time without the boys being around 'helping'me!

And finally
Remember to take care of your insides too. It is easy to think about how to improve the way we look from the outside by what we wear and how we wear our hair, but it is important to remember to make an effort with what food we eat to maintain a healthy diet and help energise us. It is easy to stuff some biscuits into my mouth when I am a busy Mum when I am hungry but I do try to make the effort to include as many super foods into my diet as possible and more non biscuit and cake food! Afterall, being healthy inside shows on the outside!

This is a guest post

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