Friday 9 August 2013

Who Do My Boys Look Like? (Flashback Friday)

 When you have a baby everyone starts speculating who they think they resemble within the family. When Burton was born his Daddy and I were not sure who he looked like - we both said my Dad to begin with. We have since said looking back that maybe Burton looked like his maternal Grandad because my Dad, being a bit thin of hair on top, resembles a baby lol! 

However, it was when Burton was about 2 weeks old that his granma brought round a photo album showing baby photos of his Daddy that it suddenly became very clear who he took after and looked like! Honestly, I know this sounds really odd and with the 1970's fabrics and trends proving that the photographs were taken 30 odd years ago, but when I saw the baby photos of my OH it was like looking at my new baby! I remember that as I looked I actually thought to myself, what is Burton doing in this album (yes, I know! But I was very sleep deprived and my hormones were still all over the place!).

Thus, the mystery of who Burton resembled was solved!

Burton is on the right

Whenever anyone sees Burton they always exclaim "oh you can see who his daddy is" or "doesn't he look just like his daddy?" It has been like this since he was very small. It is VERY rare that he is ever compared to me. Burton is definately a mini me of his daddy!



When Jenson was born the opposite thing happened - he looked like I did as a baby with his darker hair (which has since got lighter the older he has become)

Jenson and Me as a baby
I have seen glimpses of my dad, my brother and my Mum in Jenson not actually me but then I guess it is harder for me to see myself in him. Members of both sides of the family do say that Jenson looks more like his munmy, probably because his brother looks so much like Daddy.

However, several months ago we were at the boy's great gran's house when she had an old photo album out and as we were looking through it, we found a picture of their daddy again. However, this time it was Jenson we could see!! So much so that when we showed this photo to OH's Mum, she just assumed it was another photo of Jenson!



I dont know if I see daddy in Jenson as I do with Burton, but one thing is for sure I dont see much resemblance between my two boys!

I think we all see different people in our children.

Who do you see when you look at your children?

This post was brought to you as part of Flashback Friday

Remember a flashback can be from any time whether it be yesterday, last week, last month, last year or yesteryear! It can be a flashback of your own, your children, your partner or your friends. And if you don't want to write a post, then just link up a photo with a date. If you don't have time to write a new post.


  1. innocentcharmer9 August 2013 at 08:19

    I always think your boys are similar especially the older they get, Burton is so his Daddies double and he also looks just like he did as a newborn as some kids really change.
    People always say Addy is mini Kara but I struggle to see it x

  2. Burton is definitely the double of his daddy! It is strange how different people see your children. Lots of people say Z and C look like me but I see them like their Dad. x

  3. I can definitely see a resemblance between Burton & Jenson - one of your photos yesterday was Burton on the zipwire & at first I thought it was Jenson - it's only when I looked on my laptop that I could see it was Burton. and that picture of Jon as a baby, well..I would swear that it is Jon holding him!
    Of course, none of my kids look like their dad - all like me! haha

  4. The definitely look like their Daddy when he was younger, except for the one of Jenson as a little baby; he really looks like you as a baby there! Isn't it funny how people see different things, Lucas looks mostly like me and a lot like my brother when he was younger but every now and then we glimpse an expression which is just his Daddy. Whoever they look like, very cute little boys xx

  5. That's spooky! Both our sons look more like me (and more to the point my dad) my younger son and me you can hardly tell apart at 6 months old!

  6. Sarah @apartyofseven9 August 2013 at 22:46

    wow incredible likeness. I love all those old pictures, the clothes are priceless arent they!

  7. I always find it really fascinating comparing photos of the children with each other or with us as babies. I think it so interesting to see where certain characteristics come from. And I also think that some people will see what they want to see in children depending on what they look for and who they know best, my husband's grandmothers for example swear that the beautiful boy is the spit of his daddy, despite photos saying things to the contrary.
    But both your boys definitely do look like their daddy in those photos you've shared. As you say, I don't think your boys necessarily look the same, but they do definitely look like brothers. Does that make sense? Not completely alike but with some similar characteristics.
    I think I need to dig out some baby photos for a compare, it's funny to see isn't it? x


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