Tuesday 11 June 2013

How To Make Playdough

I am not very creative when it comes to arty crafty things and I always have mummy envy when I see all these other mummies (and sometimes daddies) making marvellous creations with their children. I have wanted to have a go at making home made play dough for ages but always thought it woould be too hard or I woudn't manage it well.

 However, I was recently sent a book to review - 'Don't You Dare' by Sharky and George - which contains lots of ideas of how to make things, as well as games to play indoors and outdoors and activities to have a go at. The book includes a recipe for home made play dough so I decided to have a go at following the instructions. If you have never made it yourself either before, I urge you to try it is actually VERY easy and did not take long to make - wooo hoooo! And it is very satisfying to see the finished results - I enjoyed poking my fingers at it once it was made and cooled down, and feeling all pleased with my efforts lol

*(the recipe didn't include the vanilla extract I added this myself and I added a bit mnore food colouring than it stated to make a more colourful dough)

Here is how you make Homemade Playdough

Allow the play dough to cool down completely before allowing little hands to play with it. 
The play dough was great and I was chuffed with my first attempt. It was extremely plyable and didnt have that scent that bought play dough does which was much nicer in my opinion. The boys loved it and spent all morning playing with it today!!! 

**It must be kept inside a plastic tub with a lid after each use to keep it fresh.**

So in a nutshell

Why not have a go yourself? If I dared to do it, then anyone can manage it!!

I was sent a copy of

for the purpose of this review. Many of the activties are aimed at children older than my two BUT I can imagine how much fun my brother would have had with this when he was about 7 years of age. It contains some silly things and some facts and lots of ideas to keep kids occupied which I am all for. For example, did you know that the average person farts 16 times a day? Neither did I lol.(*this* is why my brother would have found this book great fun!)  If Bear Grylls endorses the book (see front cover) then it must be pretty good !!

I was sent a copy of the book for the purpose of writing a review of it. All comments made are honest and my own. And check me out, I made play dough!!


  1. Wow that does sound easy! Right I'm going to give it a go, it's something I've been thinking about doing for ages so you've inspired me to take the plunge! X

  2. Love homemade playdoh, hate the real stuff x

  3. OOh I have all those things except cream of Tartar - I will buy some and make this. I've never attempted home made playdough before!

  4. I just did this and it was SO easy and Allegra has been playing with it for aaaaages! So much nicer than the shop bought stuff, even I wanted to play with it! Thank you for the inspiration :-) xx

  5. Just made my first ever batch of play dough using this recipe. Big success with my two boys, I even had a play myself.


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