Monday 19 December 2011

Sorry Excuse For A Post Really

I feel I haven't been around much the last week from a blogging and tweeting point of view. Since our return from Butlins it feels like our house has been plagued by illness!

I caught a tummy bug on our last night at Butlins which thankfully went by Tuesday, and since then Jenson has had a really nasty cold which I expect he picked up from the soft play unit while we were away for the weekend. Well there is always a bug of some description to be caught from soft play centres!! His poor nose has been like a tap running with snot and due to all he phlegm he has been sick at least once every day - not just a little bit of sick you understand but a LOT! I seem to have had a week of constant changing bedding, cleaning carpets and changing mine and his clothes! Plus he has had a really horrible cough and the reddest little cheeks - like a little elf but one that is suffering with ill 'elf *ahem*.

Most nights I have been up late trying to get him to sleep before he goes down in his cot so he doesn't cry, because otherwise he has been making himself sick as the phlegm moves around in his chest as he gets more and more upset at being made to go to sleep without a feed. I have been trying not to feed him before bedtime because he ends up coughing during the feed and then this makes him throw up all over me, the bed and himself aswell!

As I write this at just before 11pm,I have in fact only just got him in his cot and to sleep! I tried to put him to bed at 7pm but we had a sick incident and then I couldn't settle him back down and I am surprised I am able to write this as my arms have been aching from trying to rock him to sleep for the last 3 1/2 hours! What a relief for him and me when he eventually fell asleep - look at him he has such a sore nose and those dry red cheeks and heavy eyes :(

So seeing as though I am committed to writing a post every day this month I have just managed to squeeze this sorry excuse for a post on my blog just in time for today. Blogging and tweeting have, understandably, taken a back step this last week but I am still here dipping in and out and I hope to be back to my normal blogging service very soon. I am already racking my brain for a post idea for tomorrow.........hmmm that is what I will be doing once I publish this one!

I think I am going to link this post up to a wonderful little linky over at Here Comes The Girls , because a bit of tea and sympathy is just what I need!

DAY 19 NaBloPoMo 2011



  1. I probably shouldn't say this, but he looks so cute in your photo! I hope he gets better soon, but that he doesn't lose the festive elf-red cheeks x

  2. ahh poor Jenson...he does look very cute though...especially with that frown! Jacks cheeks always get like that this time of the year...all red & chapped, it's horrid isn't it. Hopefully he'll be feeling much better by the weekend & you can enjoy Christmas x

  3. thank you he does still look adorable which makes me feel even more sorry for him!! i just hope he will sleep though now as last few nights there has been a 4am wake up call for an hour!! x

  4. oh no you can say how cute he looks - i mean he does but he has been ill bless him x 

  5. Oh poor poor Jenson. He does still look so gorgeous. Hope all illnesses have gone by this weekend xx

  6. aww bless him hopefully the germs will go before the weekend we're all feeling abit run down too:(

  7. Oh, poor Jenson. Hope he is feeling better before the weekend. Bud is a snotty boy at the moment too, I wonder how one small boy can produce so much snot!

  8. Aww poor wee lamb. Hope he's better soon. hugs x

  9. Oh no! It sounds like Butlins was full of germs! Bless him, he looks so cute, it's horrible when they are ill. Hope he gets better soon xx

  10. He looks so poorly there bless him. I hope that he gets better soon and that neither of you get any more exhausted.

  11. Poor baby, I hope he's doing a lot better now. I'm awake at the moment with a very coughy Z. He's woken up a few times and now he's in our bed, hopefully he'll sleep a bit better now.


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